I can honestly say I have never enjoyed sightseeing more than I have in Beijing! The blend of old and new is phenomenal and getting to know the Chinese culture was amazing! We first went to the Forbidden City then the Hutongs which are just outside of Forbidden City.
We rode on Rickshaws through the Hutongs which was one of my favorite things that we did all day! There were 50 of us on 25 rickshaws and all of the drivers were racing and cutting each other off. It was really fun!!
The Forbidden City was like nothing I had ever seen before. It is incredible to think that the 9,999 rooms in the Forbidden City were only used by one Emperor and his wife! There seemed to be a room for everything ... even a huge sleeping room!
Once we were done with the Hutongs, we climbed the steepest stairs I have ever climbed and went to the Drum and Bell Tower which had a view of all of Beijing! It was beautiful and I felt like I was looking over a European city instead of Beijing.
While we were walking around we saw a really cute couple that was getting their wedding photos taken! The woman was beautiful and when we complemented her red dress (red dresses are typical for weddings in China) she replied, "Thank you, it is my day!" She was so cute and eager to take a picture with us.
For lunch we went to a family-style Chinese restaurant that was a little more Western tasting. We were all excited by the fried rice that reminded us of our Chinese restaurants from home.
I am really getting used to Beijing. I am adjusting to being stared at 24/7 because of my blonde hair and am realizing that if I want to go ANYWHERE I have to have my destination written down in Chinese or else I will never get anywhere!
I have had so much fun so far and can't believe it has only been 5 days since I got to Beijing! Right now I have to go get ready for a banquet Renmin is hosting for us with the students that just got here from University of North Carolina. Talk to you soon!
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